Progetto definitivo ed esecutivo

I.T.I.S. Galileo Galilei - Edificio E

Detailed design of steel structure


Si è eseguita la progettazione definitiva o esecutiva per il recupero e la riutilizzazione della palazzina E del complesso dell’ I.T.I.S. GALILEO GALILEI, la cui facciata principale si trova su Viale Manzoni.
L’idea alla base del progetto è quello di creare una struttura intelaiata in acciaio provvisoria  che possa, tenendo aggrappate le murature esterne a vista (lato viale Manzoni e perpendicolare ad essa che affaccia sul cortile interno), consentire la demolizione dell’intera struttura per il rifacimento della stessa in carpenteria metallica (come figura superiore).
Software utilizzato: Prosap professional.


Collaborazione con IBIS engineering, Vicolo Anagnino 19, 00118 Roma.


As well described below by using pictures. The old building “E” of  Galileo Galilei had some structural problem for some settlements.

So I made a project in order to change all the internal part of the building with a steel strcture made on a deep foundation.

The finally configuration must have a new steel structure with the historical masonry walls visible from the street.

For this reason the walls need a temporary steel structure in order to hold themselves while the inside structures are making.


Phase 1: External steel structure to hold the historical walls
Phase 1: External steel structure to hold the historical walls
Phase 2: Demolition of the whole inner part with the exception of the two sides on the street
Phase 2: Demolition of the whole inner part with the exception of the two sides on the street
Phase 3: construction of deep foundations
Phase 3: construction of deep foundations
Phase 4 and 5:  Construction of the intarna steel structure, connection to the historical walls, removal of the temporary structure in support of the facades
Phase 4 and 5: Construction of the intarna steel structure, connection to the historical walls, removal of the temporary structure in support of the facades
Fasi realizzative
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Viste 3d
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Struttura provvisoria
Struttura metallica con zavorra necessaria a mantenere in piedi le murature storiche che verranno conservate dalla demolizione e ricostruizone
Documento Adobe Acrobat 2.9 MB
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